In the heart of Tuscany's centuries-old wine country, the satyr lords protect ancient secrets.

Archive for April, 2011

5 star Bastian review from Bookaholics Romance Book Club!
Thursday, April 28th, 2011

“Known for her highly erotic and decadent paranormal romances, Elizabeth Amber returns with her best book to date! Not since her first book have I been so thrilled. … I loved this sensual world, especially the wonderfully entertaining relationship between the two main characters. They had to be together!!” ~ Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club

Read the entire review on Amazon.
Read the entire review at Bookaholics.
Bastian excerpt.

Bastian contest on Facebook
Thursday, April 14th, 2011

Enter to WIN one of 5 autographed copies of BASTIAN, THE LORDS OF SATYR (erotic historical paranormal romance, May 2011, Kensington). Giveaway ends April 17th.

Entry details on my Facebook page.

Dane finals in the Write Touch Award!
Monday, April 11th, 2011

I woke up to this wonderful news in my email box this morning: “CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Your book, DANE, THE LORDS OF SATYR, is a finalist in the Erotica/Romantica category of WisRWA’s Write Touch Readers’ Award contest.”